Visiting a nearby town's Christmas decorations. That's a big tree!

Is it me, or does it look like he's singing to this nutcracker?

What's a nice Thanksgiving day without a trip to a park?

Look at that timing!

Noah trying out the big-boy swing.

Thanksgiving Day. Noah's meal: juice and . . .

. . . crackers. He didn't feel like partaking in the feast. Maybe next year. Texas went on to belittle A&M!

A town's holiday festival complete with petting zoo. It rained only from the time we stepped out of the car to the time we left. Ugh!

Noah loves animals. Can't figure out why!?

Noah loves animals. Can't figure out why!?

He even stood in a fire truck. Very cool!

Not much of a pic, but his first time (this year) seeing our Christmas tree all decked out.

Your hair is looking super cute, Elisha! Love your little family!
Such a cutie! We miss him everyday, so thanks for the blog work!
Love the photos and comments.
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